Rambo Dog Dry Rug

$38.00 NZD from $32.00 NZD

The Rambo Dogware Dry Rug is a fantastic microfiber towelling cloth rug, for your dog! Use this rug after the rain, bath or beach, absorbing moisture to leave your dog's coat manageable. Features: Superb Rambo Dogware fit in a technical fast drying fabric, this coat makes washing your dog or visits...

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Rambo Travel Series

$286.00 NZD

The Rambo® Travel Series (50g Lite) is specifically designed to offer the highest comfort for a horse whilst travelling. This is one travel essential you won't want to leave home without! Features: A contoured, quilted, microfibre outer and polar fleece lined top section offering warmth and superior moisture wicking properties Mesh sides provide maximum...

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Rambo® Airmax Liner (No Fill)

$115.00 NZD

The Rambo® Airmax Liner is made from an 'airmesh' fabric which boasts an absorbent inner fabric, helping to wick away moisture from your horse's body while encouraging natural airflow. The innovative 3D construction keeps your horse warm in cold weather and the rug's construction allows it to breathe in hot...

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